SAP SD Tickets with Resolutions

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Need to set up freeze protection text for a set of materials.

Ans: This is not SAP standard hence cannot specify the Industry Best practice

Error while doing PGI as(storage location not determined.

It is a process issue, not system VL02N.
Whenever manually adding batch in line item user is forgetting to add storage location in line
item. It is a process issue. He needs to maintain batch and storage location in delivery line item manually otherwise go for batch split.

Sales order is not showing in MD04, though order is fine.

Ans. Order is not showing in MD04, as the MRP type is ND, that means no MRP. MM02,
Advised user to change the MRP type in material master data MRP view or change the plant
in order.

Incorrect weight in delivery and invoice, though it is correct in order

Weight has been changed manually in delivery and the same copied to invoice. No error in
Ans. VL02N Weight has been changed manually in delivery and the same copied to invoice. No error in system.

User wants to change the “general terms & condition” text in order acknowledge output.

GTC was coming from text Z_COS_3102 & Z_COS_3102_PAGE2 . Hence updated the text in SP10 as per user. SO10.

Incorrect weight in delivery and invoice, though it is correct in order.

Weight has been changed manually in delivery and the same copied to invoice. No error
in system. Advised user to cancel the invoice and reverse PGI and correct weight otherwise create return revision order.

User is having error in doing PGI.

When checked user replied to close this case, as delivery was already PGIed. When checked user replied to close this case, as delivery was already PGIed. VA02

User is not able to create delivery for sales order

Order is completed status as reason for rejection is maintained in order. Advised user to
remove reason for rejection from Order and try creating delivery.

User is not able to print output though setting is done properly.

User wants to email the output , where as printer is mentioned as locl. VV22 Advised user to change printer to OMS_EMAIL in condition record


The booking advice is missing haz information for below shipments.
24200991 24200992 24200993 24200994 24200995
24200996 24200997
Per MSDS and BDP (freight forwarder)

The shipment is haz on the road (DOT Bulk). This information is needed because the shipments will be booked as haz. The allocated carrier will not book these as non haz. The EDI that was transmitted into BDP system is showing these as non haz and they are not non haz. This issue must be resolved before the booking requests can be sent.

In this case the user has not maintained the shipment legs atleast with 1 road shipment type. Hence the DG information is not coming on Booking Advice output VL03N. Requested user to maintain the same

Order 150156877 for customer Polyrafia was delivered (complete) with Outbound Delivery 804073643 / Shipment 0024266712, but created another delivery and shipment
(804133337/24316837), why was that?

as the user has kept a complete delivery check option in sales order to avoid future delivery and shipment creation. VA02 Multiple deliveries are getting created, requested user to keep complete delivery check.

Could you kindly let us know which block can prevent the shipment?

Shipment Block in Delivery VL02n. Select Z2 delivery split block in shipment block reason field in delivery header in shipment tab.

User wants auto shipment creation

Auto batch setup for the Batch determination, SE38. Setting as per Business requirement.
Auto batch determination deactivated for the given shipping point by the SME.

User wanted to add 3 days of pick/pack time for the shipping point.

Shipment Block in Delivery VL02n Select Z2 delivery split block in shipment block reason field in delivery header in shipment tab.

User wants auto shipment creation

Auto batch setup for the Batch determination, SE38. Setting as per Business requirement.
Auto batch determination deactivated for the given shipping point by the SME.

User wanted to add 3 days of pick/pack time for the shipping point.

Shipping point Setup SPRO →Update the Pick Pack time as per the business requirement of the Shipping point. This will ensure correct dates in the scheduling.
Pick/pack time is maintained shipping point level. Pick/pack time changed in shipping point as per Business requirement.

Address for Remito document ZREM was showing wrong, user thought, the address was picking from Branch Code in actual it was picking from Shipping Point.

Shipping point C100 address has been changed according to user comment.
SPRO→Shipping point adress should be updated, as it affects the adress appearing on the subsequent docuemnts Shipping point C100 address has been changed according to user comment.

Other Printing, Faxing, and Output Issue

A purchase order intended for internal use only was somehow faxed to the supplier anyway without any instruction from our side. PO history does not show any record that indeed a fax went out but supplier confirmed they did receive the PO at March 28th on 8.15
am our time. Please investigate. ME22N

When PO output go to correct vendor, we should get confirmation

We checked all the possibilities and contacted PO output experts also..we did not find
anything…Spool report was showing that fax went at 28th. But the same was not reflecting in
the chnge log. We have forwarded the ticket to DOW-HP-OMS-INTERFACE

“Issue Type: Delivery Output: Incorrect Data
Description of the request: The total name could not be printed all the time
Delivery Number: 802186813
Output Type: All the documents(DN&COA)

Incorrect Master data setup MM02 Master data should be correctly setup
“Material Description value in the Delivery output (ZDN1) gets fetched from Basic data text
in material master.
For the material 10292272 the text in Chinese is maintained as “”Õ³ºÏ¼ÁTHIXON P-11-
EF/4494SPL/18KG””.Hence the same value is getting printed on the output.whereas for the
material 10401990 the text is maintained as”” Õ³ºÏ¼Á “” hence the Description in English is
not getting printed.I have requested Material master data team to update the material
description of material 00010401990 to “” Õ³ºÏ¼ÁTHIXON 422/4484SPL/3.8KG “”

Maintainance of output condition record in VV22.

New condition record VV22
Correct Condition record should be maintianed a per requirement
Output condition record has been updated through VV22

User not able to print out delivery notes out of ECC. I tried it with the local printer as well as with Scan Soft. This problem only occurs with stock transfer delivery notes.

PDF scanner device was missing VT22N Install Nauce PDF Creator Installed Nause PDF and issue fixed.

LRC code was not update in Shipment.

Event dates were not updating in shipment. VT02N
Manually updated Dates if IDOC fails. Code change done for Most of the Events.

Chapter ID was maintained after creating Excise invoice

Chapter ID was maintained after creating Excise invoice J1ID
J1ID should be maintained before creating Excise Invoice
J1ID should be maintained before creating Excise Invoice

I am trying to place a stock transfer order to move material from Chauny, France
(Plant A075) to G&A Warehouse (Plant A083), and I am getting an error that states: No
sales and distribution data maintained for material 00010046770.

Check the Plant sales Org extension.
SPRO→Plant should be extended to the required Sales Org,Plant should be extended to the
required Sales Org → Sales org and plant extension in table TVKWZ.

STO#4000524717 is transport by road, DN is 802280940, but can not create shipment

There was block in delivery , which does not allow for shipment creation. After
removing block shipment created→ VL02N→ Check for any blocks in the Delivery for
Shipment→ There was block in delivery , which does not allow for shipment creation. After
removing block shipment created.

Price (ZA00) is missing in sales order-101360971

Check in the Order for the Manual condition , if exists it will have priority over the
other pricing condition→ VA02 → Check for the pricing conditon in the Order→ There was
no error in sales order. Manual condition ZA20 was maintained in order which disabled the
ZA00 condition type.

Delivery split: Please analyze why creating 2 delivery for one order.

difference in time for both Line items→ VL02N→ Check the delivery split criteria→ As
there is different arrival time for both the line items , delivery is getting splitted.

Would it be possible to send two different carrier notification ZDN2 and ZDN4 by
separate email address? What is the difference between ZDN2 and ZDN4?

Output to be sent to 2 different emails→ VV22→ If the communications method is same and the email needs to be sent to 2 persons, we can maintianed 2 output types for same document→ Condition records have been maintained for 3 plants as the user needs both ZDN2 & ZDN4 is single delivery.

Description of the request: Order 101401600 was created but two differernt DN have been created, 802223217 and 802221938. even if the delivery date, route, shipping plant, ship-to and partners on each item are same. Besides,there is seems to be no ATP check due to enoght inventory. Could you tell me why this is happened? We want to consolidate to One DN.

Difference in Transportation planning date for both the materials, hence 2 deliveries have been created→ VL02N→ Transportation Planning date should be equal for all Line items→ Difference in Transportation planning date for both the materials, hence 2 deliveries have been created.

I am trying to place a stock transfer order to move material from Chauny, France
(Plant A075) to G&A Warehouse (Plant A083), and I am getting an error that states: No
sales and distribution data maintained for material 00010046770.

Check the Plant sales Org extension→ SPRO→ Plant should be extended to the required
Sales Org→ Sales org and plant extension in table TVKWZ.

User needs assistance to complete GI as it is showing incomplete log.

GI date in past→ VL02N→ The GI dates should be checked→ Planned GI date was in
last month date and user was trying to PGI in next month, hence not allowing to PGI. So
manually changed the date in VL02N.

Shipment costs not getting transferred due to missing purchasing data

In configuration, there was an entry missing for plant, Purchase Group and Transportation Planning point entry→ SPRO→ If the correct purchasing data exists for the plant, then shipment costs will get transferred automatically→ New entry needs to be added with the required purchasing data

For ZCU1 condition type for few scenarios based on the values of Source and Destination country in the External Tabs of PO, it was skipping the actual condition record.

The actual condition record was being skipped→ ME21N→ Condition records are to be picked automatically→ RICEFW code change has been made for the fix.

Freight batch jobs are failuling due to ABAP dump and missing vendor partners.

OA and GS partners were missing for the vendors→ SM37→ Batch jobs for shipment cost calculation and transfer needs to be run automatically for successful creation of shipment cost document→ The shipments causing the batch job failure were temporarily removed from the variant and fixed by updating the partners for that vendor.

Error while creating delivery via ME2ON

XD01/XK01→ vendor is need to be defined as a customer(to supply goods)→ In the
Purchase order the partner for “Goods supplier” and “Ordering address” is maintained as
“1738041”.But this vendor is not defined as a customer(to supply goods). Hence the problem.

Coa output type & email ID to be updated

VV22 and DOW/ISC_MFT0013→ output should be triggered to correct email id→
Email id and condition record id updated.

Maintainance of output condition record in VV22

New condition record→ VV22→ Correct Condition record should be maintianed a per
requirement→ Output condition record has been updated through VV22

Unable to save delivery as delivery is incomplete.

Checking the Net/Gross weights in the Delivery→ VL02N→ Weight should be checked in the Delivery→ Net weight and gross weight was missing in delivery and making delivery incomplete. Manually added weight in delivery header.

Address for Remito document ZREM was showing wrong, user thought, the address
was picking from Branch Code in actual it was picking from Shipping Point.

Shipping point C100 address has been changed according to user comment→ SPRO→
Shipping point adress should be updated, as it affects the adress appearing on the subsequent
documents→ Shipping point C100 address has been changed according to user comment.

Freight batch jobs are failuling due to ABAP dump and missing vendor partners.

OA and GS partners were missing for the vendors→ SM37→ Batch jobs for shipment
cost calculation and transfer needs to be run automatically for successful creation of shipment
cost document→ The shipments causing the batch job failure were temporarily removed from
the variant and fixed by updating the partners for that vendor.

Deficit of PU GR quantity 24,460.000 KG : 00000315049 F171 FP A078EBT002

GR was not done→ /dow/isc_MBIB_631→ If the correct purchasing data exists for the
plant, then shipment costs will get transferred automatically→ New entry needs to be added
with the required purchasing data.

user getting error “Login to ISA unsuccessful – Function start login in Responce detected” when click on “Order management” tab in my account.

Contact person had central block set true. That would block the partner from doing
anything. Due to this issue, user getting error this error in my account→ VA03→ NA[There
is no SAP provided standard program for the COT file generation hence the customized
program created]

after finishing all the operation about consignment order in system, but find some delivery note still in delivery status

MD04 issue→ This is not SAP standard hence cannot specify the Industry Best
practice→ Sometimes MDO4 is not updated though Delivery is completed. In this case we
need to manually update the MD04. Resolution procedure: Go to transaction –
/DOW/ISC_REQSD. Give the delivery document number and execute.

Carrier notification not getting printed

entry for the shipping point were missing in VP01SHP→ vp01shp→ entries in VP01SHP should be maintained→ as the printers were installed correctly, 2 entries in VPO1SHP against ZDN2 were missing. After maintaining them issue was fixed.

delivery quantity is less than the quantity ordered

this was due to the under tolerance set for the material, delivery was being created for
the stock available in MMBE→ vl02n/mmbe/mb1b→ under tolerance/ over tolerance should
have been removed if only the ordered quantity delivery is allowed→ No changes were done,
as the user wanted to have under tolerance / over tolerance for the material

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