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Q1. What are the types of special stocks available?
Subcontracting, consignement, pipeline, project, sales order, RTP, stock transfer ,third party.
Q2. What are the types of info records?
Standard, consignment,subcontracting & pipeline.
Q3. What is meant by consignment stock?
The stock supplied by the vendor is in the companies premises with the company having no
liability for the same. The liability for the company will only be affected when the goods are
issued from the consignment stock for use.
Q4. What are the steps involved in consignment cycle?
Create consignment info record with proper tax code, create Po with item category K,
maintain output condition record for KONS, process GR, no invoice verification done, but
settlement is done through MRKO transaction.
Q5. Tell me about the subcontracting cycle?
The Po is created with item category L, the goods are transferred to the subcontractor by
541 movement. for this movement note no accounting docs take place. When GR is
done automatically, 543 movemnt takes place which take care of the consumption of
components from stock.
Q6. How are the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting?
You can add these by products in the BOM for the header matl.
Q7. What is meant by scales? Can scales be used in the standard purchase order?
You can fix a price in the info record for a say qty from 1 – 100 price RS 150 & if the order qty
is 101 – 500 the price is 140. Scales cannot be used directly in PO but can be pulled into the
PO from various master data like info record, quota arrangement.
Q8. What is the difference between a contract and a scheduling agreement?
With regard to the Outline Agreement:
- You can create the central contract (cross-plant) where you can maintain different
pricing conditions for each and every plant - You have to create the Release Order with reference to the Outline Agreement.
- So detailed delivery schedule can be made in the Release Order.
- No Release documentation is created.
- Only time-dependent conditions can be created.
- Some Item Categories ‘M’ and ‘W’ can be used.
With regard to the Scheduling Agreement:
- The Plant Location must be entered in the Scheduling Agreement.
- We do not have to create any other purchasing document except for the delivery schedule
line via Transaction ME38 or MRP running (with the appropriate setting of Source List). - Delivery Schedule line items are created subject to your specific requirements.
- Can create both Scheduling Agreements with and without Release Documentation
(subject to the Document Type LP or LPA) with the selection of either FRC or JIT delivery
schedule. - Either time-dependent or time-independent conditions can be created subject to the
customizing of the Document Type of the Scheduling Agreement. - Item Category ‘M’ and ‘W’ can not be used.
Q9. What is meant by batches? How can the batches be searched?
A batch is a subdivision of your stock of a material having the same characteristics.
For instance:
Food production uses batches to indicate the day of production.
paint production uses batches based on production date and the used ingredients. It is
very hard to reproduce the same color in exactly the same way at two different
ore may be divided into batches based on their mineral content.
You can search batches using the standard search facility (match code, key F4) based on
the naming convention of the batches or, if you use batch classification, based on the
characteristics of the batches.
Q10. What are the settings required for quota arrangement?
To set up a quota arrangement for the procurement of material, proceed as follows: Master
data -> Quota arrangement -> Maintain, enter the material and plant number, press ENTER to
display the overview screen for the quota arrangement periods, Enter a validity period for
quota arrangement, Enter date until which the quota arrangement is valid. The start date is
calculated by the system. Press ENTER. Select the quota arrangement and choose Goto ->
Item overview to display the item overview screen of the quota arrangement. Enter a quota
arrangement item for each source of supply you want to include in the quota arrangement.
You must enter the following data.
Procurement type
Special procurement type, Enter k in the S column, for example, if a consignment
arrangement for the material exists with the vendor.
Vendor number
Procurement plant (supplying plant):
Quota column, enter the quota assigned to each item.
Press ENTER.
The percentage distribution of the quotas is calculated and displayed automatically by
the system.
Save the quota arrangement. The system assigns a number to the quota arrangement
item automatically
Q11. What are the differences between the release procedure with classification and the release procedure without classification? When are they used?
Release procedure with classification means the Purchase requisition can be released
both at the item level and at the header level. Release procedure without classification can
also be used for PR which is used for item level release only. all other external
documents cannot be released with classification. The two procedures are mutually
exclusive (that is to say, you must decide in favor of one of them only – you cannot
use both).
Q12. Is it possible to have a release procedure without classification for a P5?
Q13. What is the maximum number of levels available in SAP?
Did not get this Question…. pls clarify.
Q14. Is it possible to have scales in a quotation?
Q15. What is GR blocked stock? When it can be used?
Whenever you are not sure about the quality of the product received, you can put in GR
blocked stock.
Q16. How to give specifications for developments?
We normally prepare a business requirement document in which we specify what is
required. what fields and tables have to be referred for the required development.
Q17. How to create PR or PO by MRP?
The PR is created according to the safety stock mentioned for the material or can be
triggered from a requirement. For creating a PO, you need to have the scheduling
agreement in place. After the MRP is run the schedule lines are generated which are
nothing but the PO.
Q18. What is the difference between the stock transfer between two plants belonging to the
same company code and those belonging to different company codes?
A stock transfer from plant to plant generally takes place within a company code. It can
however, also takes place between two company codes, if the plants are assigned to
different valuation areas, which belong to different company codes.
Unlike a stock transfer from storage location to storage location, a stock transfer from plant
to plant affects both accounting and Materials Planning, as follows:
Accounting: Accounting is affected if both plants are assigned to different valuation
areas. This means that a stock transfer leads not only to a quantity update but also
to a value update (stock value, G/L accounts). Thus, parallel to the material
document for stock transfer, an accounting document is created.
Materials Planning: Materials planning is affected because of a change in plant
stock is taken into account by Materials Planning
Q19. What are the important fields in purchasing view?
Purchase requisition
Purchase order
Master data (Info record, Source list, Conditions, Vendors etc.)
Outline agreements
Q20. What are the steps in automatic account assignment configuration?
Material type is assigned to A<c Cat Ref.: A<c Cat. Ref is assigned to Val. Class; Val. class
assigned to G/L A/c.
OMWM: Activate Val. grouping Code
OMSK: Create A<c cat. ref and Val. Class; then A<c cat ref assigned to material type.
OMWD: Val. area (plant) assigned to Val. grp. code (0001)
OBYC: Assign Val. modifier (0001), New Val. Class and G/L A/c
Now create new material and assign new val. class in Accounting 1 data screen. Then
create PO, GR.
Q21. How do you create movement types? What are the steps involved? When will you
recommend a new movement type?
The transaction code is OMJJ
You can copy the new movement type which is near-by the old one.
When we go to the new movement type, if there is no possibility of doing a transaction with
the old movement type.
Steps: 1) entry control data
2) short text
3) allowed transactions
4) help text
5) up date control data
6) account grouping
7) reasons for movement
Q22. What is meant by access sequence? When it is used?
Condition type has an access sequence assigned to it which determines which tables to
access for data and in what sequence. This has a sequence of tables based on the most
specific to most generic.
It can be used for any new condition type creation.
Q23. How does the PO pick up the pricing schema?
The pricing procedure assigned to a vendor has a calculation schema attached to it. This
schema defines the various conditions pre-requisite, calculation & sequence in the PO.
Generally, only one type of pricing procedure is followed for all the vendors.
Q24. What are the steps involved in creating a pricing procedure?
To create a pricing procedure, the steps will be
Create Condition tables
Create an access sequence by placing the different condition tables from the most
specific to the most general.
Create the condition types
Assign the access sequence to the condition type
Create the pricing procedure
Place all condition types in a sequential order as per the business requirement and
pricing needs.
Q25. What are the types of special stocks available?
Consignment stock – vendor
Components provided to the vendor
Project stock
Consignment stock customer
Pipeline material
Orders on hand
Q26. What are the types of info records?
Q27. How is scrap accounted in subcontracting?
The scrap or the process loss can be adjusted while doing a quality inspection of the
material received after subcontracting.
Q28. How are the byproducts taken care of in subcontracting?
Products can be taken care of by defining them in the BOM.
Q29. Tell me about the various movement types and usage.
101 GR in unrest. Use
103 GR in Blocked stock
105 Release from Block to Unrest. Use stock.
122 Return to vendor from unrest. Use stock.
124 Return to vendor from blocked stock
301 Plant to Plant transfer.
309 Material to Material transfer
311 Transfer from stg loc to stg loc
261 Issue for consumption
411 Taking consignment stock into own stock
551 Withdrawal for scrapping
Q30. How does the system calculate taxes?
Based on the calculation schema of that condition and based on access sequence assigned
to it.
Q31. How does the system calculate nondeductible taxes?
Condition type in the standard system: Non-deductible input tax = NAVS
Depending on the tax code in the PO item and the tax calculation schema, the system
calculates the non-deductible tax portion and inserts it in the condition type with the
category N.
The condition type has the calculation rule “absolute amount”.
Normally, the access sequence that regulates tax code determination is assigned to the
condition type
Q32. What is meant by batches? How can the batches be searched?
Batch is a subdivision of your stock of a material having the same characteristics
ex: medicines, food products
We can search batches using the standard search facility (match code, key F4) based on the
naming convention of the batches or, if you use batch classification, based on the
characteristics of the batches.
Q33. How is a shelf-life item managed in SAP? What is the full cycle?
There are actually two types of shelf life
Total shelf life
Minimum remaining shelf life
Total -shelf life – If total shelf life is maintained then the minimum shelf life will also be
entered mandatory.
While taking GR for such an item, it actually asks the user to enter the manufactured date so
that the system automatically calculates the expiry date.
Minimum shelf life- While taking the GR, it asks the user to enter the date of GR date so that
it checks whether the days entered in the material master have been satisfied. If the
condition is not satisfied then it will not allow to take receipt for that item.
Q34. What is the procedure to make the period indicator in the MRP2 view as “P”?
To make the period indicator in the MRP2 view as “P” the transaction variant SHD0 and then
SE93 is used.
Q35. List some info records types?
The lists of Info Records Types are Standard, Consignment, Subcontracting and Pipeline.
Q36. What is the difference between release procedure with classification and without
classification and when are they used?
The release procedure with classification deals with the purchase requisition it can be
released both at item level and at the header level. Coming to release procedure without
classification can also be used for purchase requisition which is used for item level release
only. All other external documents cannot be released with classification These two
procedures are mutually exclusive to say, it has to be decided in favor of one of them only.
Q37. In what way does the Subcontracting was cared by the byproducts?
The Byproducts take care of subcontracting in BOM for the header.
Q38. What is the procedure to give specifications for developments?
The procedure to give specifications is normally prepared for the business requirement
document in which we specify what is required, and what fields and tables have to be
referred for the required development.
Q39. How is the MM module integrated with other modules of SAP?
The MM module deals with materials procurement on the basis of the production
required; therefore, it is linked with the PP module.
The SD module is proportionally related to the MM module because it uses information
about the quantity of material sent for production.
The WM module is related to the MM module because the MM module maintains
information about materials storage and materials transfers inside an organization.
The FI module is also related to the MM module because every operation performed in
the MM module directly impacts the financial processes of the organization
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