Hello Dear Learners, If you are looking for Inter Company Stock Transfer Step by Step Tutorial | Inter Company Stock Transfer Step by step procedure in SAP | Inter Company Stock Transfer For Beginners | Inter Company Stock Transfer in Business Partner | Inter Company Stock Transfer in BP you will get details here.
We can create Inter company Stock Transfer with the below details –
Supplying Plant | Receiving Plant | |
Company Code | 1710 | 1723 |
Plant | RS01 | 1723 |
Sales Org. | RJSO | |
Purchase Org. | RSPO |
Step 1:
In BP transaction, Create a Vendor to represent supplying plant (RS01) in receiving company code (1723). Click on company code Tab. Enter the receiving company code (1723) and reconciliation account and save.

Select the Vendor role (FLVN01)
In Vendor: General data Tab, tick the Plant Relevant and enter the
Supplying plant (RS01)

Go to purchasing Tab, Enter the purchasing organization (1723).
In Purchasing Data Tab, enter Order Currency, Shipping Condition,
Tick the GR-Based Inv. Verif.
Enter the purchasing group and Save.

Step 2:
In BP transaction, Create a Customer to represent receiving plant (1723) in supplying company code (1710).

Go to FLCU01 Customer role, click Sales and Distribution Tab.
Enter the Sales Area of Supplying Plant.
In Orders Tab, enter Sales District (if applicable), Currency, Price group and Cust.Pric.Procedure.

Go to shipping Tab, Enter Delivery Priority and Shipping condition

Step 3:
Create Material with the below selected views including General Plant Data/Storage 1 in Supplying Plant (RS01), Storage location (0001), Sales Org. (RJSO), Distribution Channel (RD)
Configuration Setting:

In Basic data view, Enter Base unit of measure, Material Group, Division (RS) and GenItenCatGroup (NORM)

In the Sales Org. View, Maintain Delivering Plant (RS01) and Tax if applicable.

In Sales General/Plant Tab, Maintain Availability check group (NC), Transportation group (0001), Loading group (0001) & Profit center (If application)

Step 4:
Extend the same material to the Receiving Plant (1723) & Storage loc. (17C1) with the same selected views in Step 3.

Configuration Setting:
Step 5:
Define Shipping Data for Plants
SPRO > Materials Management > Purchasing > Purchase Order >
Setup Stock Transport Order

Define Shipping Data for Plants:
For Supplying Plant (RS01), assign Sales Area (RJSO, RD, RS)

For Receiving Plant (1723), assign Customer number (3000154)
created in Step 2

Step 6:
Configure Delivery Type & Availability check procedure
by Plant.
Here Assign Delivery type (NLCC) & Checking rule (B) to the
Purchase Order Document type (NB) & Supplying Plant (RS01)
combination as shown below:

Step 7:
Assign Document Type, One-step Procedure, Under-
delivery Tolerance
Here for Supplying Plant (RS01) & Receiving Plant (1723)
combination Assign PO Document Type (NB).
Select one step Check box to post the Goods receipt while
doing PGI itself. Otherwise, Goods Receipt have to be carried
out in another step.

Step 8:
Define Shipping Point Determination
SPRO > Logistics Execution > Shipping > Basic Shipping Function > Shipping Point & Goods Receiving point Determination > Assign Shipping Points.

Here Assign Shipping Point (RSSH) for the combination of Shipping Condition (01), Loading Group (0001) & Supplying Plant (RS01).

Step 9:
Define Item Category Determination in Deliveries SPRO > Logistics Execution > Shipping > Deliveries > Define Item Category Determination in Deliveries

Create PO using document type NB. Enter the vendor number which is assigned with the supplying plant (RS01)
Enter Receiving Plant (which is assigned with the customer) in the Item Overview.

Shipping Tab triggers only if we have configured the shipping determination points properly. Check the Shipping Tab is active.

Make sure the PO is released. Then go to VL10B Transaction

Select Picking Tab. Enter Storage Loc and Picked Quantity

Status Overview before Post Goods Issue

Status Overview after Post Goods Issue & before Billing

In VF01

Billing Document Created

Status Overview after Billing

Plant 1723: Create Inbound delivery in VL31N Transaction

Post Goods Receipt in VL32N

FI Document of MD 5000001040

Plant 1723: Invoice Verification & Payment through MIRO