Hello friends if you are looking for Disputes Management in SAP S4 Hana FSCM Notes | Disputes Management in SAP S4 Hana FSCM PDF Notes | Disputes Management in SAP S4 Hana FSCM Free Notes | Disputes Management in SAP S4 Hana FSCM Beginner Guide then you will get information here.
Disputes case is created if there is a difference between received amount and invoice amount from customer.There are three options for the creation of dispute creation:
- Creating dispute from complaint
- Creating dispute from underpayment with reason
- Schedule automatic dispute creation job (Using residual item)
When dispute case is created if it is justified then it will be write off on the other hand if it is not justified then we start receivable collection. Case types are defined to segregate different disputes categories.

We have to define default values for the creation of dispute case and we have to specify the case type for our company code.

Dispute case is created using tcode: UDM_DISPUTE

After creation of dispute case it is assigned to the open item.

To Include any specific field in the dispute case we have to define it in the attribute profile.

When we assign the open item to the dispute case, it will automatically pick the amount, currency, credit terms, customer of that line item. Dispute case is automatically assigned to the customer line item.

During posting of incoming payment if customer complain about the amount and pays less amount, dispute case can be created for the residual amount along with the incoming amount posting.

When the dispute is been resolved status of that open item dispute case will have to change according to result obtained.

If we want to allow the system to create dispute cases for special GL transaction then we have to initially define it before

Correspondence will be created if we want to notify the customer about the status of their complain.

If dispute case is not resolved then we execute write off program to post the expense for the remaining payment.