➢ Configure Trusted RFC
➢ Configuring SAP Gateway 🙁 Activate SAP Gateway in FES)
Path : In the customizing (transaction SPRO), SAP Netwaiver-choose UI
Technologies → SAP Fiori → Initial Setup → Connection Settings (Front-End
Server to ABAP Back-End Server) → Activate SAP Gateway. or
➢ Maintain System Alias for front end system and backend system
An SAP system alias is needed as the logical name of a system
connection, that is, you specify where the SAP system alias should point
to. Depending on the SAP Gateway content scenario
And your system landscape you thus set up the system alias
In the customizing (transaction SPRO), choose UI Technologies → SAP Fiori →
Initial Setup → Connection Settings (Front-End Server to ABAP Back-End Server)
→ Define SAP System Alias . OR
❖ Start transaction /N/UI2/GW_SYS_ALIAS.
❖ system aliases are stored in view /IWFND/V_DFSYAL
SAP Gateway Alias:
A SAP Gateway alias is needed to have at least one entry for the SAP Gateway hub (here: the FES system) in the Service Builder (transaction SEGW) to register OData services that you are going to develop
FES(Front end server),BES(Backend server)

/N/UI2/FLPD_CONF: For all client
/N/UI2/FLPD_CUST: Particular client

Configuring the SAP Fiori Launchpad:
The Launchpad and Launchpad designer need a reverse proxy to direct the browser requests to either the front-end system in which the JavaScript sources are stored, or to the SAP Gateway system in which the OData services are located.
These are the relevant OData services for the SAP Fiori Launchpad resp. the SAP Fiori Launchpad designer:(5 ODATA Service is required for Fiori lunch pad & fiori lunch pad designer)
To activate them, you can use: the transaction /N/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE