Hello dear learners if you are looking for Automatic Account Determination in sap MM FI then you will get all the details in this blog. I have given step by step explanation for how to do automatic account determination in SAP MM and FI.
What is Automatic Account determination?
● Procurement process requires the cost of goods and services that needs to be paid to the
vendor by an organization.
● The cost being paid must be posted in an organization in a correct general ledger (G/L
● SAP system can be configured so that the system will automatically determine the
correct G/L account that needs to be posted.
● In short System will trigger a particular G/L account automatically when any goods
purchase or movement happens; this triggering is known as Automatic Account
There are certain parameters or an element that decides automatic account determination these are;
● Chart of Accounts
● Valuation Grouping Code
● Valuation Class
● Transaction/event Key
● Account Modifier or Account Grouping Code
● Event Key and G/L Mapping with Valuation Class
Chart of account
- In SAP Chart of accounts is decided at the client level and Assigned to Company code.
- It is a list of different master account data that fall under different account groups of that
particular company code. - This helps to develop better financial reports
- One can check it with the T code OB62 in the system. Ash shown in figure
- We can assign Same chart of Account to another company code also.

Valuation Grouping Code
- Valuation grouping Code is Collection of valuation areas that will have the same
account determination. In other words, it represents group plants with the same account
determination. - T Code for checking it into the system is OMWD

Valuation Class and Account Category Reference
- Valuation Class is assigned to Material in material master.
- It allows stock of the same material type to be posted in different G/L Accounts.
- It also allows the stock values of materials of different material types to be posted in
the same G/L account. - Each Material type is assigned to valuation class but; it is not directly assigned, it is
assigned through account category reference.

- If in case we need different valuation classes for the same material type in that case
you can create different valuation classes and assign similar account category
references to those valuation classes. - Account Category reference is just artificial code of alphanumeric characters which
allows flexibility in linking material type with valuation class. - T code to check is OMSK

You can click on account category reference and check or you can create a new account category reference. It is for digit alphanumeric code.

- After creating an account category reference just come back and click on the valuation

- After assigning valuation class to account category reference just come back and assign account category reference to your material type.

Transaction or Event Key
A transaction/event key is a key to differentiate account determination by business transaction.
For example, we must differentiate the general ledger account posted by goods receipt
transaction and posted by invoice receipt transaction.
- With any movement type there are some value strings in the background. Value strings
group together the various transactions used in account determination. - Value string key is just a pointer to the transaction event key which is necessary for
account determination. - Movement types are linked to the transaction keys through value string and each value
contains some transaction event key

- The System uses the Transaction Event key to determine the account in which the
posting line is generated. Generally two transaction event keys are involved in each
posting. - We can check that with T code OMWN also you can check valuation string in OMJJ.

Account Modifier or Account Grouping Code
- Account Modifier or Account Grouping Code is a three character code especially used
to differentiate the offsetting accounts for consumption postings which could be
different in cases for Trans/event Keys GBB & PRD. - For example, if you issue goods to a cost centre 201 movement type the trs/event key
that is affected is GBB and similarly if you issue goods for sale to a customer again the
transaction event key is GBB. The account modifier helps you to identify the different
G/L accounts automatically for making the offsetting posting. - In other words; It is used for account determination. Use club some transaction under
account group like GBB (offset entry of inventory posting – entries which affects the
inventory). - So, depending upon the account modifier (say VBR (goods issues), VNG (scrapping) –
with transaction event key say GBB) system determines the account determination. - Tcode to check this is OMWN
Event Key and G/L Mapping
- T code for doing this is OBYC

Now we will see Account determination Process in SAP
- Check valuation Area
● Whether it is company code or plant; 90% times it is at plant level.
● Tcode for checking it OX14 - Define Material Type
● T code for creating material type OMS2.Select ROH and copy as new material
type.ELTR Electronic raw materials

● Update its value and quantity for plant 1000

- Group together Valuation Area
● SPRO-🡪IMG🡪MM🡪Valuation and Account assignment-🡪Account
determination-🡪Account Determination without wizard-🡪Define Valuation
● Tcode OMWM
● If it is not active the you cannot use G/L Account in different valuation area.

● SPRO→IMG-→MM→Valuation and Account assignment-→Account
determination-→Account Determination without wizard-→Group Together
Valuation area
● T Code OMWD
● You can assign same valuation grouping code to different valuation area.

- Define Account Category reference
● SPRO-→IMG-→MM-→Valuation and Account assignment–→Account
determination→Account Determination without wizard-→Define Valuation
● T Code OMSK

Click on account category reference and click on new entry

New Account Category reference ELTR is created and save the data

Now go back and click on valuation class and create new valuation class

● New valuation Class ELT1 and ELT2 are created and assigned to same Account Cat. Reference ELTR.
● Come back and click on Material Type/Account Category reference
● Here assign Account Category reference to material type. Save data

- Assigning G/L Account to the transaction event key and valuation class mapping
● T code for this is OBYC
● You must have an idea about the triggering of Transaction event key like which key
is going to trigger eg. in case of inventory GBB will trigger
● Follow path in IMG as shown in figure. Click on cancel after that click on Account
● You will get the window as shown below.Same window can be obtained by running
t code OBYC

● Now let us consider we are going to do simple GR with 101 movement then BSX and WRX will trigger.
● Click on BSX

Enter Proper chart of account in our case it is INT

Enter your Valuation class and assign proper G/L Account and save data

Repeat the same process for WRX and save data

Here Configurations are done but, in your case, different event keys may trigger so check for movement type and assign G/L account accordingly.
Now create new material follow p2p for the same.and check for transaction event key after MIGO
- Create Material master with type ELTR and maintain valuation class as ELT1

- Material is Created 60000467
- Create Vendor XK01,100571 created
- Create PO ME21N, PO created 4500022497
- Now go for good receipt with MIGO and movement type 101
- Again, check with MIGO, if no error found post MIGO document 5000001396
- Again, go to Display mode of MIGO and Check FI Document and check for
transaction event key entries. - You can check entries with SE16N and put table number T030

Note: You will get many errors initially in this process during PO and MIGO.